Shipping and Returns

Shipping Policy

We dispatch your order through a reputed logistic partner (Depending upon your location). Normally, we dispatch your order within 24 to 48 hours from receiving the order and it takes 2-5 working days to reach your door step. In case, customer hasn’t received the order but received delivery confirmation by Essentia or our logistic partner through SMS or email, in such case customer has to inform us within 48 hours after receiving delivery confirmation (SMS).No complains will be entertained after 48 hours of the delivery confirmation massage.

LKR 350/= will be charged per delivery (Island wide)

Return Policy

No returns will be entertained, if you have received a different product from your order, customer needs to inform Essentia within 48 hours with all details.

As the terms of this Agreement may be modified at Valliant Holdings (Private) Limited., sole discretion, without any obligation to notify you, we advise that from time to time you check this webpage to review the changes. Your continued use of this webpage shall constitute your consent to any changes.