Terms and Conditions

Welcome to the webpage of Essentia, a brand under Valliant Holdings (Private) Limited. Please review this agreement (the “Agreement”), which shall apply to the use of this webpage, as well as to the purchase of all products sold to you through this webpage. By using this webpage you represent that you have reviewed and understand the terms and conditions set out therein and that you agree, without limitation or qualification, to be bound by the terms and conditions of this Agreement.

As the terms of this Agreement may be modified at Valliant Holdings (Private) Limited., sole discretion, without any obligation to notify you, we advise that from time to time you check this webpage to review the changes. Your continued use of this webpage shall constitute your consent to any changes.

Use of this Webpage:

You acknowledge and warrant that any information you may post, transmit or submit to this webpage does not: (i) infringe on your rights; (ii) infringe on a third party’s rights, specifically but not limited to any intellectual property rights, or any other confidential or proprietary right; and (iii) constitute a criminal offence or give rise to civil liability. Additionally, you acknowledge and warrant that you will not knowingly post, transmit or submit any information that will cause damage to either the webpage or to any other user.

Your rights with regard to accessing this webpage may be terminated or restricted at any time at the sole discretion of Valliant Holdings (Private) Limited., Valliant Holdings (Private) Limited., is not required to give you advance notice or explanation for the termination. This termination shall be in addition to any other rights that Valliant Holdings (Private) Limited., may choose to enforce.

Customer Account:

You are responsible for maintaining the security of your customer account (if applicable) on this webpage. Should any charges or damages occur due to your not taking reasonable care of your customer account or password, you agree that you will be held solely responsible.

Copyrights and Trademarks:

All materials displayed or otherwise accessible through this website are owned by Valliant Holdings (Private) Limited., and third party content suppliers, and are protected under the applicable copyright and trademark laws. You hereby agree not to print, copy, reproduce, publish, transmit, distribute or make any other similar use of the contents of this website, including, but not limited to, the text, graphics, audio and visual content, and code.


This webpage may contain links to other webpages that are operated by third parties, and are not under the control of Valliant Holdings (Private) Limited., Valliant Holdings (Private) Limited., is not responsible for, and expressly excludes all liability with relation to these linked webpages which you access at your own risk, and Valliant Holdings (Private) Limited., makes no representations, warranties or conditions concerning the linked webpages or their contents.

Orders and Payment:

When you submit an order on this webpage, your order shall be considered as an offer to Valliant Holdings (Private) Limited., Valliant Holdings (Private) Limited., reserves the right to refuse your order at any time and for any reason, including but not limited to: (i) the availability of the products in your area (Valliant Holdings (Private) Limited., specifically reserves the right to revise or cease to make available any of its products at any time); and (ii) if the products are incorrectly described or priced on the webpage. In the event that your order is cancelled or refused, you shall receive an email confirmation stating same. Additionally, if your order is refused or cancelled following payment, Valliant Holdings (Private) Limited., will reimburse you for the full amount paid.

The third party credit card service provider must approve all purchases made through the use of a credit card.

You agree not to resell any products purchased under this Agreement, nor to transfer any of your rights hereunder without the prior written consent of Valliant Holdings (Private) Limited.,


To the fullest extent possible under the law, use of this webpage is at your own risk, and Valliant Holdings (Private) Limited., hereby expressly disclaims any representations or warranties (express, implied or statutory) with regards to the webpage and your purchase of any products hereunder. This webpage is provided “as is”, and may contain errors, inaccuracies, viruses or bugs, and this webpage may not be up to date, and therefore is not to be relied upon. Specifically, Valliant Holdings (Private) Limited., does not warrant that the product description or pricing is accurate. This exclusion applies to, but is not limited to, warranties of merchantability, quality and fitness for a particular purpose. Should you choose to download any content from this webpage, you do so at your own risk.

Limitation of Liability:

You hereby waive all remedies, warranties, guarantees or liabilities, arising from law or otherwise. In no event shall Valliant Holdings (Private) Limited., its officers, representatives or employees be liable to you for any damages, however caused, including but not limited to direct, indirect, special, consequential, incidental, punitive or otherwise. Valliant Holdings (Private) Limited., its officers, representatives and employees shall not be liable for lost profits, business interruption, any computer related damage or loss of data. Valliant Holdings (Private) Limited., hereby excludes all liability with respect to the transmission of viruses or bugs. This entire limitation shall apply even if Valliant Holdings (Private) Limited., its officers, representatives or employees were informed of the possible occurrence of the abovementioned damages. Valliant Holdings (Private) Limited.’s maximum liability shall in no event exceed the amount paid by the purchaser for the product. This limitation is an essential element of the agreement between Valliant Holdings (Private) Limited., and you.


You agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless (including reasonable legal fees) Valliant Holdings (Private) Limited., its officers, directors, employees or agents from any action arising from your misuse of this website or the breach of any of the provisions of this Agreement.

This Agreement and the Privacy Policy shall constitute the entire agreement between the parties and there are no other written or verbal agreements or representations relating to the subject matters described herein.

Should any provision of this Terms of Use be deemed invalid or unenforceable, those provisions shall be severed from the Agreement, but shall not affect the validity of the other provisions